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The Folktale Project

Mar 16, 2018

Once upon a time, a cock stood on a dungheap and crowed and flapped its wings. Then the fox came up to him.

“Good day,” said the fox. “I did hear you crow,” he said, “but can you stand on one leg and crow and blink, like your father did?” said Mikkel.

“I can, both good and well,” said the cock, and he stood on one leg, but he winked only with one eye, and when he had done it, then he preened himself and flapped his wings, as if he had done something great.

“That was beautiful,” said the fox. “It was almost as beautiful as when the parson holds mass in church. But can you also stand on one leg and crow and blink with both eyes at the same time? I feel quite sure that you can,” said Mikkel. “Your father, well, he was a real man,” he said.